204S Deflocculating Dispersant


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Komposisi: Polyester modified silicone copolymer

Penampilan: yellowish transparent liquid

Bahan aktif: 50%

Dosis yang dianjurkan: Total amount: 0.1-0.5%; Inorganic pigment: 3-10%; Organic pigment: 10-30%.

In order to get the full effect, please test the most appropriate dosage before use, and add it before grinding.

Characteristics and advantages

  1. 204S Deflocculating Dispersant has excellent dispersion and wetting effect on pigment, good penetration and miscibility on compound color, and preventing effect on controlling compound color blossom, flocculation and streak due to the presence of organic silicon.
  2. Improve the wettability of pigment and keep its stability, prevent floating color, blooming and precipitation;
  3. It can increase the surface gloss of coating film, reduce viscosity, prevent shrinkage and reduce orange peel phenomenon.

Isi formulir, biasanya resume dalam 20 menit

    Status9825>Stok 965421

    Kemasan: 25KG non-recycled blue drum.

    Before the product is completely empty, the lid should be tightly closed after use.

    Penyimpanan: Jauhkan dari sumber panas dan cahaya dan jauhkan dari cahaya.

    Peringatan: Please carefully evaluate the specific dosage in the coating system before use.

    The above information is based on the product. Due to the different formulations, production processes and construction conditions of the producers, the above statements are for reference only.

    We do not assume any legal responsibility. Please test the dosage before use.

    The company has the right to improve its own products, any changes in its specifications, without prior notice.

    Informasi Tambahan

    Berat 0.1 kg
    Dimensi 4,8 × 4,8 × 8,7 cm
