690 Anti-Sink Additives


Composition: Polyamide wax
Appearance: Slight yellow paste
active ingredient : 20%
Solvent: xylene, ethanol
Application: polyurethane coatings, light curing coatings, coil coatings, epoxy paints
Recommended dosage: 0.5-2.0% of the total formulation (please test the most appropriate dosage before use)
Method of use:

  • Pre-gel method is recommended. Pre-mix the wax paste and solvent to make a pre-gel for use.
  • The pre-dispersing equipment should be a high-speed dispersing machine, do not use high shear equipment such as sand mills.
  • The pre-dispersion temperature should normally be between 20°C and 40°C and the time between 30-40 minutes.

Characteristics and advantages:
690 Anti-Sink Additives Provides Good dispersibility and anti-settling and anti-sagging properties, suitable for furniture and automotive coatings.

Fill out the form, usually resumes in 20 minutes

    16KG non-returnable drum.
    Before the product is completely empty, the lid must be tightly closed after use.

    Storage: Keep away from heat and fire sources and keep away from light.

    Caution: Please assess carefully before use and needs must be determined after testing.

    The above information is based on the product. Due to differences in producer formulations, production processes and construction conditions, the above statements are for reference only.
    We do not accept any legal responsibility and would be grateful if you could test the dosage before use.
    The Company reserves the right to make improvements to its own products and to make any changes to its specifications without prior notice.

    Additional information

    Weight N/A
    Dimensions N/A
